Talking about Social Media Facebook is most used Social Media app all over the world,  that connects relatives, colleagues, school mates and unknown friends which is so cool, Some people want there profile to be reach easily while some don't want there profile in public.

There are some situations that demands that your profile will be a bit hidden to a substantial number of people. I have a friend which actually prefer people he know on his Facebook friends list,  not random friends, well, some other people are like that too,
So few steps are provide for you in this post in order to hide your Facebook profile.


Step 1:- Sign in to your Facebook account, then go to Settings. To archive this, click on the arrow into the top right of the screen, then scroll down to Settings.

Step 2:- click on Privacy  On the next page,  You will see a list of privacy settings for your account. All you need to focus on are the Who can Contact me and the Who can Look Me Upoptions.

Step 3:- Now click on Edit beside the Who Can Send Me a Friend Request option. When the options come up, click on the dropdown menu and select Friends of Friends.

Step 4:- Then, click on the Who can Look You Up Using Email Address. Click on the dropdown menu that comes up and select either Friends or Friends of Friends.

Step 5:- Do the same thing for the next option, Who Can Look You Up Using The Phone Number You Provided. Select either Friends or Friends of Friends.

Step 6:- Now, click on Edit next to Do You Want Search Engines Outside of Facebook to Link to Your Profile. Uncheck the box that says Allow Search Engines Outside of Facebook to Link to Your Profile, then click Turn off.

By completing these steps, you have drastically reduced the possibility of unknown people locating you on Facebook. The people that can see you will just be some friends of your friends.